Welcome to the PREDEMICS website

The PREDEMICS consortium has received funding from the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement n° 278433.

The program started on November 1, 2011 and will end on April 30, 2017.
Poster 2015 and Poster 2016

Two major studies on Zika virus funded within the PREDEMICS consortium have recently been published in Lancet:

  • The first study by Van-Mai Cao-Lormeau and colleagues provides evidence for Zika virus infection causing Guillain-Barré syndrome.pdf
  • The second study by Simon Cauchemez and colleagues provides a quantitative estimate of the risk of microcephaly in fetuses and neonates whose mothers are infected with Zika virus. pdf

Recent presentations at meetings
Coordinators meeting - EU funded Ebola projects. Brussels , January 2015. pdf
3rd GRF One Health Summit, November 2015, Davos, Switzerland: pdf

Ongoing and planned work on Zika virus pdf


The program

PREDEMICS aims at providing Preparedness, Prediction and Prevention of Emerging Zoonotic Viruses with Pandemic Potential using Multidisciplinary Approaches. Emerging infectious diseases have been increasingly recognized over time and represent a persistent global threat. Most of the emerging infectious diseases of humans are zoonotic and the capacity of RNA viruses to emerge as major agents of human disease can appear almost limitless. Their impact on the health of human, domestic and wild animals is also likely to be underestimated. Therefore there is a need for understanding factors involved in emergence of human pathogens for improved prediction of the risks of their emergence and pandemic potential.

The Predemics consortium members have decided to dedicate the training programme of the project to the memory of Isabel Minguez Tudela, who sadly passed away in April 2011, aged 54.


Seventh Framework Program                            European Commission

Keywords: Emerging infectious disease; Emerging viral diseases; Epidemics; Pandemics; Zoonotic viruses; Control measures.

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Last update: Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Upcoming events

  • PREDEMICS Final General Assembly Meeting
    18-19 April 2017 – Paris, France

Past training activities

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